Law Offices of Dana L. Reynolds LLC - Logo
30 C Trolley Square, Wilmington, DE 19806
Law Offices of Dana L. Reynolds LLC - Logo
"When experience matters"
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 30C Trolley Square, Wilmington, DE 19806


Are you and your partner separating and desire to amicably resolve issues involving divorce, property division, child custody and financial support issues without litigation?  Consider hiring one of our experienced family law attorneys to act as your private mediator before any petitions are filed with the Family Court.   Our attorneys are certified trained mediators by the Superior Court of Delaware and Family Court of Delaware.  

What do family mediators do?
- We help couples reach agreements concerning their separation, divorce, parenting schedules, child support, alimony, property division and other family matters.    
-Mediation is a voluntary process offering couples the opportunity to have a constructive conversation, in which they are able to express their respective concerns, to better understand one another’s perspectives, and, if possible, to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of their issues.
- In our role as a private attorney mediator, we do not represent either party and nothing in mediation shall be construed as legal advice.  The mediator is a facilitator, and you are encouraged to consult with an independent attorney of your choosing for legal advice.
- Each of you may retain independent counsel before, during or after mediation concludes to advise you regarding your legal rights, as you each have adverse legal interests that are substantial.
- Mediation requires mutual trust and open disclosure between the parties to be successful.  
-  All issues are to be negotiated in good faith. Therefore, it is important that both clients share all pertinent information freely


Call us for private mediation services!
10/10 rating on AVVO.

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